It is a joy to be hidden, and disaster not to be found.

D.W. Winnicott

I strive to create an open and unconditionally accepting therapeutic environment in which you feel safe to explore your problems and concerns. I have much appreciation for the uniqueness of each individual and respect your innate ability to generate insight. Therefore, I aim to tailor interventions to what you may specifically be needing. I have experience with brief, focused therapy as well as longer-term processes. My orientation is predominately psychodynamic which means that I consider the ways in which the underlying psychological forces inform present behaviour, thoughts and emotions. We are often not even aware of the ways in which our responses to the world have been shaped by previous experiences. Often, it is the unconscious repetition of these responses that keep us stuck or in pain. Psychotherapy is ultimately about deepening our self-knowledge as we work towards understanding the meaning we have made of our past and how this may continue to impact our experience of the present. Whilst this is a challenging process, it can can lead to a greater sense of autonomy and trust in our ability to create a life of our own choosing.

While I am primarily guided by a psychodynamic framework, I employ other modalities when this is more appropriate. These include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Exposure Therapy, short-term psychodynamic work and trauma-focused therapy such as BWRT. I also incorporate elements of mindfulness-based therapy which focuses on helping develop a ‘third person-perceptive’, that is, learning to non-judgmentally notice thoughts, emotions and behaviour as a way of improving coping and wellbeing.


The first one to three sessions are used to complete a comprehensive assessment in order to determine the precise nature and full complexity of your current concerns and difficulties. We will then together decide whether only a few sessions or a longer-term therapy is appropriate. This is also an opportunity to assess whether it is necessary to make additional referrals to other health professionals or whether there is a need for additional interventions such as couples or family therapy.

Online Therapy

I am open to conducting psychotherapy via video with patients who travel frequently or are relocating outside of Cape Town. However, I am not permitted to practice online therapy with individuals residing outside of South Africa. In normal circumstances, I prefer to begin therapy face-to-face so that we discuss the various aspects of switching to video call.