The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.

C.G. Jung

How do I set up an appointment?

Please contact me via email to set up an appointment. Please note that I only respond to queries via email. I do not have a receptionist, so I am unable to man my phone often enough to respond to calls or WhatsApp’s.

  • Email:


What does therapy cost?

My rate for 2024 is R1200 for a 50-minute session, which is in line with current medical aid rates for 2024. 

I claim directly from medical aids. No co-payment will be required for PMB patients.


Will medical aid pay for my sessions?

This depends on your medical aid plan. It is possible that your medical aid will cover all or a portion of the cost of your psychotherapy sessions. Please contact your medical aid to find out if psychotherapy is covered by your plan, and what limitations might exist (in terms of diagnosis, funds or number of sessions available).  I am prepared to assist, with making applications for Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB) if applicable.


What is the duration of a session?

A psychotherapy session typically takes place once a week and is usually 50 minutes.


How long will therapy take?

This varies greatly and is difficult to predict before a proper assessment has been conducted to determine the precise nature of your concerns/difficulty. Following an assessment, we will discuss a proposed course of treatment.